About us

SmallStage? Yeahhh.

    SmallStage is a company made up of folks who like to build music gear. 

    We've built a lot of cool things over the years. Amps. Guitars. Pedals. Pickups. Robots. Apps. Furniture. We are builders.  Some people like to go fishing on the weekend, we like to build.  Spoiler alert! There's quite a bit coming from SmallStage, so stay tuned! 

    We want to share the best of what we've developed with other musicians who like our builds.  In our day jobs we have built some of the highest quality, high volume products in the world ... so rest assured, we know what we're doing. 

    We're not trying to retire from the profits that are generated by this business.  Not. Even. Close.  SmallStage, and the products we make, are a labor of love.  We are builders. We are musicians. We need an outlet.  SmallStage is our outlet.  

    Our goals are simple:

    1) Make gear that is unique and helpful to musicians
    2) Build quality gear that we are proud to put our names on
    3) Reinvest our profits into new gear that helps musicians. 

    Keep it small, make cool gear, and put money into new inventions.  Sounds like fun, right?  Let's do it.